audiobook recommendations, pt 3

Hi friends! I am back again this week with a third part to this series. Let’s jump right in.

Prompt 16: Indie audiobook author

Shark Heart by Emily Habeck, narrated by Karissa Vacker, Shaun Taylor-Corbett and Soneela Nankani. This is one of the most unique books I have ever listened to. It is also Emily’s debut novel.

Prompt 17: Fave audiobook series

Hands down the Love Lines by Cara Bastone. I have talked about this series several times on here already. There are 3 books in the series, each under 6 hours. I love this series so much.

Prompt 18: Audiobook with a great twist

For this prompt I’ll go with See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon, narrated by Emily Lawrence. Any book with time travel themes and the day repeating itself, I am here for it.

Prompt 19: Audiobook by a new-to-you author

I will cheat a little by recommending Lauren Roberts’ Powerful, narrated by N’Dea Miles and Kevin Shen. I read Powerless and Powerful this year so she really is new-to-me. This is one of my few five star reads this year and I don’t want to stop talking about it. It was so good.

Prompt 20: Audiobook by your favourite author

The first Abby Jimenez audiobook I listened to was Life’s Too Short, narrated by Christine Lakin and Zachary Webber. I loved the experience so much that now I listen to her books first then reread the ebook or physical copy later.

Prompt 21: Audiobook by a new-to-you narrator

I recently listened to A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson, narrated by Abby Craden. I really enjoyed Abby’s narration and I think it suited this book and the writing very well.

Prompt 22: Audiobook on your TBR list

There are so many audiobooks on my TBR at the moment but the one I’m looking forward to listening soon is Reckless by Elsie Silver, narrated by Joe Arden and Savannah Peachwood. This will be the first book in the chestnut springs series I will be listening to, so I’m very excited.

Other Posts in this Series:

There will be a last part for these series of posts. What audiobook is still on your TBR? Let’s chat in the comment section below.



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